NEW Proclear® 1 day multifocal lenses are now available in our office!
Tired of always having to pick up your reading glasses to see up close? Until now one-day disposable contact lenses could not correct both distance and close vision. With the latest in contact lens technology, you can have a daily disposable contact lens with a Multi-focal design to decrease your reliance on reading glasses.
Daily disposable contact lenses are the most comfortable and convenient lens option out there. These are great for part-time or everyday wear and are the healthiest lens for your eyes. We find that daily lenses are great for those prone to dry eye and allergies. Proclear® 1 day multifocal lenses provide patients with the freedom to maintain an active and social lifestyle, allowing the wearer to decide whether to wear the lenses all day, part of the day, or reserve them for special situations.
“When it comes to your vision or the way you live your life, we don’t think anyone should have to compromise,” said Dennis Murphy, Executive Vice President, CooperVision. “With Proclear® 1 day multifocal lenses, vision is clear near, far, and in-between, without the need for spectacles.”
Not only is it a high performance contact lens, it is comfortable too. Proclear® is the only lens material cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the claim that it: “May provide improved comfort for those who experience dryness or mild discomfort during lens wear.” This is especially important for patients who often find that age-related dryness is an issue and deterrent for wearing contact lenses. Proclear® also offers natural biocompatibility, meaning that the lenses are made to imitate the cells of the human eye.